Speaker Smiltēns thanks Latvia’s diplomatic mission heads for tremendous contribution in representing Latvian national interests abroad


On Friday, 27 January, while addressing the heads of Latvian diplomatic missions, Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, thanked them for their tremendous contribution in representing Latvian national interests abroad. Foreign affairs have become significantly more important for the public over the last year. We have all felt that the events happening outside Latvian borders impact every single person. This time, however, has also provided the Baltic States, including Latvia, with the opportunity to become a voice that is increasingly heard and that can impact international events more, highlighted Speaker Smiltēns.

There is currently no priority more urgent than the internal and external security of Latvia. We are working on establishing a State Defence Service, as well as other issues. Transforming our economy is also crucial for strengthening our resilience, said Speaker Smiltēns.

While discussing the parliamentary dimension of Latvian foreign policy, the Speaker of the Saeima pointed out the potential of the Baltic-Polish cooperation format. Speaker Smiltēns also emphasised Baltic-Nordic cooperation, highlighting the importance of strengthening mutual dialogue not only in the area of security, but also in economics, energy, and other areas.

These are difficult times, and there have always been people who must give their lives just because they are committed to their principles and values important in their country, said the Speaker of the Saeima. Referring to such distinguished state leaders as Winston Churchill and Thomas Jefferson, Speaker Smiltēns addressed the heads of Latvian diplomatic missions with the following wish: “Today, Ukrainians are refreshing the roots of Thomas Jefferson’s tree of liberty with their blood. I thank God that we do not need to pour our blood, but only our sweat. May every drop of sweat be worth it so that we can defend these crucial values!”

The gatherings were organised at the Parliament as part of the annual meeting of the heads of Latvian diplomatic missions.

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720305554292
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Saeima Press Service

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