Speaker Smiltēns to President of German Bundestag: We are close allies in field of security


“At present, the fight is not only about the square meters of Ukrainian land, but also about whether the world order in which the force of law prevails or whether it will be redefined as the right to force. Victory in Ukraine means a lot for the global future. Latvia and Germany are close allies in the field of security," said the Speaker of the Saeima Edvards Smiltēns on Thursday, 8 June, meeting with Bärbel Bas, the President of the German Bundestag.

E.Smiltēns noted that together we must do everything we can so that Ukraine wins and the civilised world demonstrates the force of law. “At a time when our neighbour has turned into an industrial-scale death machine, we see that NATO’s current deterrence policy is no longer sufficient. We must be ready for protection from the first minute. The aggressor must not have the slightest doubt that we will fight for every square centimetre of his land,” he emphasised. Those who have committed serious crimes must be held fully accountable, said the Speaker of the Saeima.

B.Bas noted that she also had abandoned her pacifist stance last May during a visit to the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Bucha and Irpin, and stressed that Germany would provide support to Ukraine for as long as it would be necessary.

Speaking of Ukraine’s progress towards the European Union and NATO, E.Smiltēns emphasised that we must give a clear road map to those who believe in the future and belonging to the Western world of their country, and are ready to give up their lives for this conviction.

Discussing Russia’s blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in the occupied Herson area this week, E.Smiltēns and B.Bas agreed on the need for the European Union to jointly support the victims. The Speaker of the Saeima urged the President of the German Bundestag to jointly address the leaders of other countries, calling for a clear condemnation and active assistance to Ukraine, as well as to “politically admit that Russia is a terrorist state”.

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised the role of Germany in strengthening the security of the Baltic region, highlighting its military presence in Lithuania and the participation of German air forces in the patrolling of NATO airspace in the Baltic States. E.Smiltēns also highlighted the decision of Latvia and Estonia to purchase the medium range air defence system “IRIS-T”, which is manufactured in Germany. This will be Latvia’s largest military procurement since the restoration of independence, said the Speaker of the Saeima.

Discussing economic cooperation between Latvia and Germany, the Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that Germany is our third largest trading partner, but there is even greater potential for growth, including the logistics project “Rail Baltica” as well as in energy sector. E.Smiltēns emphasised that by strengthening our economic ties, we will be able to ensure economic growth, so that we can also finance needs in defence, health care, and other sectors.

Rihards Kols, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima, and Jana Simanovska, Deputy Head of the Group for promoting cooperation with the German Parliament, also met with B.Bas.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720308915559
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