Baltic State parliamentarians call for support to Ukraine until its complete victory


Alarmed by the continuous brutal Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities and communities, the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly (BA) adopted on Friday, 19 January, a statement on supporting Ukraine until its complete victory. “We call for immediate efforts in Europe to ensure the complete victory of Ukraine following the Peace Formula of the country,” informed Jānis Vucāns, Vice-President of the Baltic Assembly and Head of the Latvian Delegation. 

In the statement, members of the parliaments of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania highlight the pivotal role of military, financial and political support for Ukraine to allow the country to fully reclaim its territories. They note that this support must be continued, sufficient, timely and future-planned.

The Presidium of the BA encourages parliamentarians of other states not to underestimate the long-term consequences for the stability of Europe, the international system and all nations that value their freedom if assistance to Ukraine is not provided at a level compatible with the seriousness of the situation.

The parliamentarians reiterate the clear support of the Baltic States for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.

The members of parliament also appeal to the international community to intensify their efforts in implementing the policy of sanctions against Russia and in searching for legal ways to use the frozen Russian assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

The parliamentarians also remind that the mistakes made a decade ago when Russia grossly violated international law and occupied Crimea created a sense of impunity in the aggressor that resulted in a full-scale war in Ukraine causing enormous human suffering and destruction for almost two years.

About the Baltic Assembly:

The Baltic Assembly is an interparliamentary cooperation organisation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania established on 8 November 1991. Each national parliament of the Baltic States is represented in the Baltic Assembly by 12 to 16 members of parliament. It is a coordinating and consultative organisation which has a right to express its opinion to the national parliaments and governments of the Baltic States, as well as the Baltic Council of Ministers, in the form of resolutions, decisions, declarations and recommendations; it also has a right to request the above-mentioned bodies to provide information on cross-border issues that are high on the Baltic Assembly’s agenda


Saeima Press Service

Sestdien, 5.oktobrī