Draft state budget for 2011 is submitted to the Saeima


On Tuesday, 7 December, the draft state budget for 2011, which was prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers, was submitted to the Saeima.

Mrs. Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasised that social and cooperation partners, as well as NGOs, will be involved in discussions on next year’s budget, and thus a new level of cooperation between the parliament and civil society will be developed.

“In comparison with the two previous years when the state budgets were focused on eliminating the economic crisis, this year the government has submitted to the Saeima a budget that is oriented towards stabilising the economy,” said Mr. Jānis Reirs, Chairman of the Budget and Finance (Taxation) Committee, when commenting on the draft state budget received by the Saeima.

“This budget protects pensioners,” emphasised Mr. Jānis Reirs. He expressed appreciation for the shift in government’s taxation policy which now differentiates taxes according to the level of income. As a result, people with children and a monthly salary below LVL 500 will have higher income.

On Wednesday, 8 December, an extraordinary plenary sitting will be held in order to forward the draft law On the State Budget for 2011 for the review by committees. On Thursday, 9 December, during the regular plenary sitting, it is planned to debate the draft state budget in the first reading.


Press Service

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