Imants Lieģis: Violence against Libyan civilians is condemnable


Imants Lieģis, head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, condemns the violence inflicted by the Libyan state on its civilians. He stated that the NATO PA is planning to officially censure Libya regarding this matter.

During the joint meeting of three NATO PA committees that was held on 19 – 22 February in the Belgian capital, Brussels, it was pointed out that the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has a special relationship with Egypt and Tunisia as countries which represent the relevant region and are significant partners in NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue.

Lieģis reported that if these countries request the support of the NATO PA, the NATO PA stands ready to seek ways to help them to improve the situation. During the meeting of the states involved in NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue to be held next week in the Greek capital, Athens, concrete ways of stabilising the situation in the Mediterranean region will be discussed.

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly, founded in 1955, is a consultative interparliamentary organisation which unites parliamentarians from member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The NATO PA provides an essential link between NATO and parliaments of the NATO member states in helping to build parliamentary and public consensus in support of Alliance policies.

Saeima Press Service

Ceturtdien, 12.decembrī
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