Saeima approves extending the state of emergency period to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19


On Tuesday, 11 January, the Saeima approved amendments to the Cabinet Order Regarding Declaration of the Emergency Situation that set out, inter alia, to extend the state of emergency until 28 February throughout the entire territory of Latvia.

The state of emergency was declared to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 infection and overload of the healthcare system, as well as to reduce the number of preventable deaths while ensuring the continuity of essential state services and functions.

Other amendments to the Cabinet Order were also approved by the Saeima. For example, the amendments specify the procedure for organising indoor sports activities for pre-school children, as well as children over the age of 12, who do not have a COVID-19 vaccination or recovery certificate.

The amendments also provide for organising state-funded COVID-19 testing with routine screening tests for clients of long-term social care and social rehabilitation services, including clients who have completed the primary vaccination course or received a booster vaccination, or possess a recovery certificate.

Full text of the Cabinet Order is available at


Saeima Press Service

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