Cars registered in Belarus must be moved outside the country or re-registered for use in road traffic in Latvia


According to the urgent amendments to the Road Traffic Law approved by the Saeima in the second and final reading on Thursday, 12 September, a vehicle registered in Belarus will have to be moved outside the country or registered in Latvia, in order to ensure the enforcement of sanctions imposed by the European Union. 

Taking into account the situation in Belarus and its involvement in the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the new restrictive measures of the Council of the European Union against Belarus entered into force on 1 July this year. Among other things, they prevent vehicles registered in Belarus – passenger cars – from entering the European Union via the Latvian-Belarusian and Latvian-Russian border crossing points. 

The law stipulates that those vehicles registered in Belarus, which are located in the territory of Latvia, must be moved outside Latvia or registered for participation in road traffic in Latvia by 31 October. If the vehicle is not re-registered or taken out of the country within the deadline, it will be confiscated. 

After the set deadline, Belarusian vehicles will be able to enter Latvia only once for transit through the territory of Latvia by applying in advance to the e-services provided by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate.

Also, after this deadline, vehicles registered in Belarus will be able to enter Latvia for the purpose of movement of diplomatic and consular services, embassies and delegations, as well as for humanitarian purposes. 

An exception is provided for persons with limited mobility who drive a specially equipped vehicle registered in Belarus, if they wish to enter for the purpose of visiting relatives in the direct line or spouse residing in Latvia. In such case, the relevant person will be able to request permission from the Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia to enter the territory of Latvia. 

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia will also be able to issue a relevant permit to enter Latvia upon a request from the Minister of Foreign Affairs in specific matters related to national security. A permit to enter and stay in the territory of Latvia will be issued for a period of up to three months. 

The law will enter into force on the day after promulgation. A similar regulation is currently in place for cars registered in Russia. 


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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