Crimea Platform Parliamentary Summit to bring delegations from all over the world to Riga


In order to raise awareness and support of the international community for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, the Third Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform will take place in Riga on 24 October, bringing together delegations from all over the world in the capital of Latvia. The Summit aims to highlight the global impact of Russia’s aggression and continue to shed light at the international level on the crimes committed by the aggressor.

“The fight for Ukraine’s independence and the recovery of occupied territories is being waged not only on the battlefield but also through diplomatic efforts on the international stage. We stand and will continue standing with Ukraine until victory. Latvia deeply understands the harsh realities of living under foreign yoke, having endured years of Soviet occupation and repression,” underscores Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima.

“During Latvia’s occupation, the international community’s support and non-recognition policy of the Baltic States’ occupation was crucial. It kept the hope of freedom alive and was instrumental in regaining our independence after decades of repression. Therefore, Latvia is acutely aware of how vital it is for Ukraine to have the steadfast support and unity of the global community against the aggressor, consistently refusing to recognise the annexation of the occupied territories, and persistently and purposefully working towards an international solution to hold Russia accountable,” emphasises Mieriņa, adding that the Summit also allows to draw international attention to the security situation in the Baltic States.

The hosting of the International Crimea Platform Parliamentary Summit in Riga is part of Latvia’s comprehensive support to Ukraine and a contribution to strengthening the rules-based international order. In response to Ukraine's call to organise the summit in Latvia, we are practically demonstrating our support policy. The Summit is organised in close cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada, the parliament of Ukraine.

“This war was initiated by Russia in 2014 with its occupation of Ukrainian Crimea. Unfortunately, over the past decade, Russia’s appetite has only grown, fuelled by impunity for the crimes it has committed on Ukrainian soil. This impunity has provided fertile ground for further aggression, leading to the expansion of this terrible war,” stresses Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, expressing confidence that together we can find solutions that will help restore a just peace and bring to justice those responsible for its flagrant violation.

The Summit will bring together delegations from more than 30 countries around the world. Several other events in support of Ukraine are also planned within the framework of the Summit, including human rights discussions, a screening of the documentary “The True History of Crimea”, and other events.

The International Crimea Platform was established in 2021 as a format for coordination and consultation at the level of states and governments, parliaments, foreign ministers, and experts. It was established to raise awareness among world leaders and the wider public of the temporary occupation and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, its negative impact on the human rights of local populations, security in the Black Sea region, global food security, and the rules-based global order.

Previously, parliamentary summits of the Crimea Platform have taken place in Zagreb and Prague, bringing together parliamentarians from various countries and international parliamentary organisations.

For more information, visit the Summit website:


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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