Saeima adopts the National Security Concept


On Thursday, 26 September, the Saeima adopted the National Security Concept. As highlighted in the Concept, in view of changes and processes in the global security environment the threat level of Latvia has reached such complexity that the security of the State can no longer be ensured by military means alone as they cannot tackle all the forms of hybrid threats. Thus, Latvia must provide a comprehensive response to these challenges.

Therefore, the National Security Concept considers not only conventional risks, but also possible future threats posed by climate change, for example. Along with national security priorities such as developing and strengthening defence capabilities, introducing a comprehensive State security system, improving the state of readiness of the National Armed Forces, ensuring the presence of the Allied Forces, the Concept also discusses enhancing the internal security by focusing on contributing to a cohesive society, elaborating protective measures for the information space, as well as developing the strategic communication capabilities of the State.

The National Security Concept is a public policy planning document. It sets out several threat areas and general priorities for tackling them. Among the direct or indirect threats having an impact on the national security of Latvia, it refers to the developments in the global security environment, Russia’s military activities in the proximity of Latvia’s border, subversive activities in the cyberspace and international terrorism trends. It also notes that risk arises from the attempts of certain countries to apply political, humanitarian, informative and economic pressure to Latvia, its society and values, as well as its Western-oriented foreign policy priorities and internal stability.

The Concept was drafted and adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers. Based on the priorities defined in the Concept, the Cabinet will draft the National Security Plan containing specific measures and means of neutralising and preventing threats to the national security.

According to Section 27 of the National Security Law, the National Security Concept must be approved by the Saeima at least once during each convocation by 1 October of the first year of its work.

The previous version of the National Security Concept was adopted by the Saeima in 2015.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 27.novembrī
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